Open Source Panel at Bar Camp Austin

I moderated an open source panel at Bar Camp Austin last night. This turned out extremely well, and several people commented to me afterwards that it was the best panel they had seen all-day (compared to SXSWi). Quite a compliment for the panel.
Panels have not traditionally been part of BarCamp, as far as I can tell, but with a topic like open souce and the caliber of the panelists, this was a natural fit. I only wish that we had allocated more time, as the topics raised were interesting, and the audience had many questions for our panelists that we were not able to accommodate.
The Open Source Panel:
Simon Phipps, Chief Open Source Officer, Sun Microsystems
William Hurley, Chief Technology Officer, Qlusters
Doc Searls, Senior Editor, Linux Journal
Matt Mullenweg, Lead Developer, WordPress
Chris Messina, Open Source Ambassdor, Flock
Panelist Blog Posts:
Simon Phipps
Doc Searls
I will post additional links as they come in (and hopefully a podcast of the panel, as several people were recording it).
Whurley and I are already thinking about putting together a Bar Camp Austin Open Source follow-up event this year. Stay tuned...
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